Server Startup and Configuration Options

As discussed in the previous post, it would be nice to be able to automatically start background workers instead of having to do that manually each time you start the server, so it will be covered in this post. As always, the code is available in the timescale/pg_influx repository on GitHub. To automatically start background …
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Processing packets in parallel through port reuse

The implementation of the Influx reader this far as been pretty straightforward: a single process that reads data from a single port and insert it into the database. Databases are, however, designed to be able to handle multiple inserts at the same time, so what is preventing us from using multiple processes to ingest data? …
Continue reading Processing packets in parallel through port reuse

Reading and writing types

One drawback of the current design is that all the tags and all the fields are stored in a JSONB structure. JSON is a great format if you want to have an open format where you can add new fields as necessary and even have more structured data than what you have in plain columns, …
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Parsing InfluxDB Line Protocol

In the previous post you could see how to create a background worker that received data over a socket as well as how to spawn a new background worker. In this post you will see how to write a simple parser for the InfluxDB Line Protocol and also get an introduction into PostgreSQL Memory Contexts and the Set-Returning Function (SRF) interface and learn how to write a function that returns multiple tuples.

The Nobel Art of Writing PostgreSQL Extensions

Some things in the PostgreSQL code base is very straightforward, while other things can be more tricky to follow. I find that some areas are always not well-documented and understanding the rationale and reasoning behind a solution can require some research.

If you’re a developer that is interested in database internals and database implementations in general—or PostgreSQL internals in particular—this blog is for you.

In this post you will get an introduction to the structure of extensions and how to write an extension with a simple C function returning a complex type.